
The world has declared war on all of us. The time for the strong among us to build and defend our Pirate Republic has come.

This war has been waged since the beginning of man. The first Republic of Pirates, and the many other unnamed pirate republics of the past are gone, now we are here. A heroic fight for sustainable piracy is needed to navigate the chaos.

There Is No Time Left

The number of proper pirates has fallen to an all time low. Brave men estimate that less than 1% of potential pirates are aware of the option to fight for our republic. However, the data suggests that at least 90% of active pirates believe the time is now.

One Pirate, One Life

A life in the pursuit of piracy, freedom, and ultimately exile is what many consider to be a life well spent. Piracy in the face of the empire and chaos itself requires courage, cunning, and cooperation.

Sharpen Your Sword

Our fleet will have dozens of ships, and we’ll have strong crews to sail them. Our forts will have scores of cannons to protect our bay. We can train, cooperate, and build the future of piracy we wish to inhabit. For our enemies, it will be pistols, then swords.


Who are we?

No one. We come from nowhere, but those of our kind have been around since ancient times. The burning spear of piracy is now ours to take into our own hands. The heroic and historic fight for our pirate republic has begun...


Since the beginning...

There has been pirates, pirate hunters, and common people. Throughout the rise and fall of all past empires, heroic individuals with the pirate circuit deeply embedded in them have bravely declared war against the world...


Study, Train, Bleed...

The transition from common man to pirate is strenuous mentally and physically. The ascension of the pirate dominance hierarchy begins with the individual taking responsibility for their training and mastery of critical disciplines.

There is a place not far from here...

A solid crew of proper pirates is all that is needed to navigate the chaotic sea and the war against the world's empire. We will work the land, grow crops, fortify our position. We will train consistently, and live free in peace, or not at all. There is a place for all strong pirates in the Second Pirate Republic, however only the most virtuous will survive what is coming. Only those who can become champions of our collective cause are worthy of boarding our ship of heroes.

Raise the Black

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